We hope everyone is staying in and staying safe. Here are 2 games and a movie that are highly relatable to the COVID-19 pandemic the world is currently experiencing.

1. Contagion (Movie)
It’s a movie about a pandemic highly similar to the coronavirus. We won’t be giving away any spoilers. The movie was released in 2011 but is currently trending again as one of the most watched movies this month.
You can buy it or watch it here.

2. Plague Inc. (Game)
A mobile simulation game about pandemics. Shows you how fast they can spread and how deadly they can be. Your goal is to infect the whole world. You get to upgrade each disease and research it.

3. Infectonator (Game)
While not exactly about pandemics or diseases, this mobile game is about infectious zombies. It’s quite fun and you can simulate how fast an infection can spread among a group of people.
If you’re into gaming, below are 2 more on-related bonus games we recommend you check out while you’re home…

Escape The Challenge: a challenging game that needs thinking.
Available for PC: Download

Warzone World: a casual game that needs zero effort or thinking.
Available for Android: Download
Stay home, play games, stay safe!