This RAY property management software review discusses RAY, a property management SaaS platform that offers a wide variety of features to help property managers in managing their property.
For this review we’ll be evaluating RAY’s variety of features, their effectiveness, their ease of use, RAY’s pricing, and RAY’s customer service.
RAY Overview
RAY is a cloud-based SaaS platform that was created to address the challenges & problems faced by property managers when it comes to managing their properties and tenants. Its unique and numerous features allow RAY to surpass its competitors. Its features range from property, services and operations management features, to communication features between property managers and their tenants. RAY simplifies property management by digitizing activities, and can be integrated with various external systems and software as well.
Property Management Module
RAY’s property management module includes leasing, invoicing and a property marketplace. Using RAY, property managers can create and manage leases, and they can also schedule and track their tenants’ payments. In addition to that, they can track any delinquency in rent payments. RAY’s property management module also shows property managers a list of their available and vacant units. Reviewing RAY’s property management software, it was evident that it had an admirable property search and filtering system that helps potential tenants find exactly what they’re looking for. RAY’s property management feature also allows for property managers to schedule and manage property viewings along with receiving property booking requests straight from the platform. One of RAY’s unique features is that it grants the ability to schedule move in and move out inspections with assigned inspectors. A summary of your key metrics and activities is displayed in the property dashboard, which helps property managers monitor and supervise property management operations.
Operations Management Module
Another RAY module is the operations management module. This module covers property managers’ concerns when it comes to security, maintenance and deliveries. Using the visitor admission feature, property managers are able to register and admit visitors, whilst collecting their information. In doing so, property managers are always aware of the people present on the property, which enables them to ensure their tenants’ safety.
In regards to maintenance, scheduling and assigning maintenance and repair tasks could all be done on RAY’s platform; as well as receiving and managing issue reports submitted by tenants. RAY can also manage incoming deliveries, from tracking the last mile delivery, to controlling and monitoring them, to managing the delivery handlers. As a result, property managers are able to monitor any issues and concerns that might arise.
Services Management Module
An additional way RAY is different from other property management SaaS providers is that it offers various service and amenity management features. RAY provides a space/facility booking system, as well as a subscription-based services and amenities management system. RAY’s tenant app provides a list of bookable spaces and amenities, and its web-based CMS provides a simple way of managing them. Furthermore, RAY gives tenants the ability to order and pay online for eateries and shops. RAY also offers on-demand custom services that allow for various tenant services. It permits users to request these offered services, and allows managers to assign and manage these service requests.
Communication Module
RAY makes communication between property managers and their tenants remarkably easier and faster, enabling them to share news, announcements, and updates, as well as create various discussion threads. RAY also has a push notification system that allows broadcast announcements to be read by everyone immediately, or it could be sent to specific user groups. RAY can also be used to conduct surveys and polls to be able to gather user feedback, which can in turn be exported.
Payments Module
While writing this RAY review, we cannot but commend RAY’s automated push notification service, which alerts tenants when their dues need to be paid. In RAY’s payment module, property managers can configure due types as well as add and manage them. It also allows tenants to purchase facility or amenity subscription plans, and of course all the payments are done online. RAY can be integrated with any accounting system and online payment gateway in order to automate your accounting and billing. Moreover, RAY can be fully integrated with any system that you might already be working on.
Customer Service
One of the most important things to mention about RAY is their customer service. They truly put the customer first, making sure that all concerns that customers have are solved quickly and smoothly. In addition to that, RAY’s team always follows up with their clients, making sure that everything is up to standard, and their clients are 100% happy and satisfied.
RAY’s offerings are tailored specifically to what each customer wants and needs, and are offered at extremely affordable prices. With RAY’s property management platform having such a wide variety of features, it gives you the ability to solve all concerns that property managers and tenants might have. Finally, to conclude this RAY review and to evaluate RAY based on its features, effectiveness, ease of use, pricing, and customer service, we would gladly give it a solid 10/10.
Check RAY out for yourselves on getray.com. They offer a free trial, and you can also book a live demo.